Cheney Springfest + West Plains Brewfest

West Plains Brewfest +

Cheney Springfest

presented by BECU

Sutton Park, Cheney, WA

May 31st, 2025   -   11 AM to Sundown

Admission   $35

Includes glassware and tastings

Food will be available for purchase at the event.

Hey Designated Drivers:  As long as you're over 21-years of age, and not planning to drink ANY adult beverages, please join us free of charge! Yep, pay nothing, nada, zero dollars! We will see you there!

Buy Tickets + Reserve Sponsorships

If you are a brewer and are interested in participating in this event, please click here

Title Sponsor

Glassware Sponsor

Beer Sponsor

Music / Sound Sponsor

Security Sponsor

Fencing Sponsor

(in-kind for materials and  setup of a parameter fence) - please email   for details

Tent Sponsor

Showcase Sponsors ($250)

  • Bring a 10 x 10 tent and interact with members and guests throughout the entire day!
  • Feel free to organize games or fun ways to interact.
  • For questions, or to reserve your spot, reach out to
  • Deanna Williams @ or Jim Reincke @

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