Celebrate your grand opening, expansion, new location, rebranding, or significant anniversary with us!
Here are a few tips and ideas for organizing and scheduling your Ribbon Cutting:
- Date + Time:
- The best times for ribbon cuttings in our area are Tuesdays and Wednesdays, with starting between Noon and 4 PM. Generally, scheduling a two hour event works well.
(For morning events, we recommend starting at 8:30 or 9 AM to give parents enough time for school drop off.)
- Cost: Free for Members in good standing, at all membership levels!
- Coordination: We notify the city, county and state officials so that they can plan to attend if available.
- Supplies: We provide ceremonial scissors and ribbon.
- Promotion: We help publicize your event through our social media channels, newsletter blast, and calendar listing on our website.
Preparing for Your Event
- Be sure to invite your guests, local media, and prepare to say a few words to the group.
- Choose a location that showcases your brand for the ribbon-cutting photo.
- Consider providing refreshments and tours post-ceremony.
Event Structure
- Opening remarks by Chamber representative.
- Host business comments.
- Photo opportunity and ribbon cutting.
- Networking and refreshments.
- Tour of facility (if applicable)
For more information or to schedule,
contact us today!